I started off by giving them an overview of me and my experience and then lead into what we (our army) is doing. They were impressed (their words, not mine) on what we are doing. I gave them what we were thinking about for a LIVESTRONG Theme with the Lakewood Blue Claws. Our ideas focused on three key parts.
- Community Desk/Table: Distribute LAF informational material (Our goal is to raise awareness not funds, but if they allow us to have a jar that would be a bonus.) Rather then hand out at gates and see people throw everything out we will need a table to announce if anyone is interested (wording not important right now) to come see at this location.
- LIVESTRONG Wristbands: All stadium staff wear them, maybe baseball players (if allowed) and distribute at gates to attendees.
- Jumbotron: LAF videos before, during and after game (if allowed)
Our LIVESTRONG Theme Key Messages: (Note: our goal is to raise awareness not to raise funds) Raise awareness on cancer facts (via video and hand outs) Raise awareness on the LAF (via video and hand outs) Raise awareness on LIVESTRONG Army Ocean County (via video and hand outs)
I am pleased to say that both Rich and Jim liked what we are trying to do and they also asked us to consider the fundraising part, which we are opened to, but we wanted to ensure them that the goal of the day is awareness and making a difference in the lives of those who attend that day. Rich said we can do something together and we just need finalize what we will do and when.
We will have a follow up meeting with them and we are also arranging a date/time to go there and see the video's up on the jumbo-tron during the day. We need to ensure the videos are visible since they are a large part of the LIVESTRONG Theme day. I took a lot of action items to follow up on.
Thank you to the Lakewood Blue Claws for the opportunity to meet and review one of our projects.
Brian Dowd - LIVESTRONG Army OC NJ Local Leader